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22Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

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旅行者小周🌴🌐 Monterey Bay Aquarium (Monterey Bay Aquarium) is a world-famous aquarium in Monterey, California, USA. It opened in 1984 and was the largest public aquarium in the United States at that time, and set the standard for the world aquarium. The magic tank and more than 35,000 plants and animals representing 550 species, a large part of which are native to California. The experience area can be close to many marine shellfish, soft-body species and plants, especially for children. Every day at 11 am, there is a large feeding show in open sea area, and the ace performance 🌐 thousands of sardines chase for food like a honeycomb. The scene is quite sci-fi! Once a day, it is recommended not to miss it. Jellyfish 🌐 is also a must. All kinds of luminous and discolored jellyfish are so beautiful, you really will sigh the wonder of the sea world. The aquarium is located in the Fisherman's Wharf, once a Spanish colony, and the architecture and storefront are more distinctive. Bubba Gump Shrimp Forrest Shrimp Restaurant, various 🦐 products, you can experience it, but it is not particularly delicious. 🌐Troya Turkish Delight&Baklava Turkish cake shop can experience it, Bakrawa is very authentic 👍🏻 tips ⚠️ 1️⃣ recommend buying annual tickets 🎫 go in without queuing, the restaurant has 10% off for dining, and you can return to the book twice. 2️⃣ 🈺10am-5pm every day. It is recommended to choose mid-week; every weekend is a busy period for the aquarium. 3️⃣ You can leave the museum halfway. Please stamp your hand and keep the seal intact before leaving the museum for use in the aquarium.